Stay Ahead of the Game
Take advantage of CITYROVER free pilot program. Trying it today is the first step towards accomplishing more and working smarter, not harder.

All we need to get you started is your name, email, phone number, and organization name.

Phone call
We will reach out to you identify the best address to ship to you an all-inclusive evaluation kit.

Evaluation Kit Delivery
Easy to set up in minutes without any permanent modifications to your vehicle. You will receive an all-inclusive kit with simple installation instructions.

Free Training and Support
Access to workshops, information sessions and educational materials.

The Technology
CITYROVER revolutionizes road and infrastructure inspections. Equipped with cutting-edge AI cameras, you can automate data collection and analysis to make your job easier and more effective.
Empower your staff with tools to enhance resource proactive maintenance and asset management and ensure compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Boost your productivity and welcome an optimized work process with CITYROVER.
Supercharge Your Maintenance Capacity
Review, plan, schedule and assign work to repair crews from office, home or anywhere else. CITYROVER gives you the big picture, helping you visualize and prioritize work by expanding your access to critical decision-making information, like location and type of issues, priority, asset ratings and much more!

Supercharge Your Maintenance Capacity
Review, plan, schedule and assign work to repair crews from office, home or anywhere else. CITYROVER gives you the big picture, helping you visualize and prioritize work by expanding your access to critical decision-making information, like location and type of issues, priority, asset ratings and much more!

A Trusted Award Winning Technology

EDGE for Incidents
- Find infrastructure issues automatically
- Boost inspection productivity.
- Create proactive maintenance practices
- Comply with relevant standards and regulations

EDGE for Transit Stops
- Inspect transit stops every trip
- Assess transit amenities and facilities automatically
- Proactively address cleanliness and accessibility issues
- Increase maintenance activities productivity

PULSE for Pavement
- Seamlessly digitize your pavement infrastructure
- Assess your roads for pavement distresses
- Automatically generate pavement ratings and reports
- Streamline your asset maintenance program

COMPANION Work Management
- Log infrastructure issues seamlessly
- Assign and dispatch work
- Connect to your existing asset management systems
- Boost repair crew productivity
Ready to try CITYROVER?
Complete the form below to begin registration. Once submitted, you’ll be contacted by one of our representatives.